
Chemical Agent Detectors (CADs)

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In collaboration with DRDO (DRDE Gwalior), L&T PES has designed and developed world-class, indigenous Chemical Agent Detectors to detect nerve, blister, blood, and choking agents. Based on Ion Mobility Spectrometry technology, these detectors are highly effective and are offered in multiple variants - Fixed, Portable & Ship-installed.

Fixed Chemical Agent Detector (FCAD) FCAD is a fixed installation type automatic chemical agent detector which can be used in high security premises like military bunkers, defence establishments, airports, VIP residences, etc. FCAD is capable of 24/7 operation with instantaneous audio visual alarm.

Portable Chemical Agent Detector (PCAD) PCAD is a battery-operated lightweight handheld chemical agent detector which can be used to verify and validate the decontamination process post a chemical strike on troops, vehicles, aircraft, etc.

Ship Installed Chemical Agent Detectors (SICADs) SICADS is a customised version of CAD for naval vessels. SICAD comprises multiple FCADs installed in key locations on the ship. All the FCADs are interconnected to a Main Control Unit which can be placed in NBCD HQ in the ship from where the Duty Officer can view the data from all the sensors and can guide the evacuation in case of a chemical attack.

Integrated Nuclear-Chemical Sensor (INCS) The Integrated Nuclear-Chemical Sensor is capable of providing emergency first response in case of hazardous chemical spills and nuclear attacks. The INCS can simultaneously detect nerve, blister, blood, and choking agents, as well as monitor the radiation levels. The INCS is designed to become part of the NBC protection systems in battle tanks.